Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Office Secrets: Walkthrough Toranosuke Wedding!

Office Secrets: Walk-through
Toranosuke Wedding!

Toranosuke Hajime

9 Chapters
2 Endings

Android/Google Play

  • *CG*
  • Control your emotion.
  • I'm of some use.
  • Rumors are horrible.
  • move away
  • Its a secret.
  • Check out the shop
  • Let's continue observing
    (I begrudgingly picked this thinking it would be better for business/work)
  • I wouldn't know.
  • Is he going to be alright?
  • Instinctively get excited.
  • Thanks for the invitation.
  • Yes, it is mine.
  • Answer truthfully.
  • Be angry.
  • (something said, not a choice, that made my eyes go all O.O )
  • Apologize again.
  • Unbutton his shirt.
  • Actually, yeah...
  • He really is amazing.

Review in progress! It starts out right away that you lost your ring! I don't know about you, but I don't think I would wait even a day after tearing my house apart looking for it. I would be on the phone a ball of blubbering tears telling my fiance!  I cry and freak out when I can't find my wallet or keys (which happens often) so, perhaps it is just me. But DUH, he'll find out sooner or later, why did my idiot MC not just come straight out? GRRR!

Anywhosits... a new project at work for him and the MC is too worried about rumors all of a sudden. So far I am not happy with how silly she is acting and want to fast forward through the game to get to the good stuff! Soon the MC and a co-worker have to go to the spot Tora just opened and pretend to be customers on a date. Some how I just know we will run into something  bad soon. AND BUSTED... ::dies:: :( My heart! It is breaking. Why did I buy this story! ::WAH!::

Well Tora, or Tora Tora Tora, you are a heart melter. Okay I feel better. And.. some JERK at work found your ring. I think he knows by things he said. but I don't trust him because I think he's after Tora's job. I could just be taking my bad real life day out on this sap in the story, but... we will see! As soon as you confess to him that the ring is yours, he asks you what would you do to get it back kinda thing. What a Creep! But even before I can finish with this creep... my heart starts breaking AGAIN for my little MC. UGH! This up and down ride is making me heartsick lol.

::zips lips:: but....

Summery: Worth it!

You will not get the wedding picture with the Regular Happy Ending, only the Super Happy Ending!

EITM Commemorative CG Art

So this morning I checked my apps for up-dates and found Commemorative CG Art in the following apps. I hurried and saved them, because I am a dork fangirl like that. Here they are!

Monday, June 23, 2014

Serendipity Next Door -Jinpachi.

Now I already did this, so I am going to try again to remember what i did to get a Happy Ending!

I was so sad after I did Masaomi that I couldn't do Jinpachi. Something about guys with longer hair and goatee that get me. ::drool!:: So I waited and waited and waited and was SO HAPPY! I stayed up all night trying to cover the light from the phone to play. I'm a dork I know!

I have heard of one spot towards the end that may have a 'trigger' but it is very mild and nothing past pg 13 happens and our the guys save the day! Just, thought I would mention it. There is a Creep in this one! Big time!

Char: Jinpachi
aka: Alpha Male/ Naked Guy

Height 5'11
Weight: 161
Age 40
Sexy Factor: Steamy!

# of Chapters: 13
played on: Andriod/Goggle play $3.99

  • Calm down.
  • Can I help.
  • Explain this.
  • *CG*
  • Go home with Jinpachi.
  • I interrupted.
  • Feel sorry for your Girlfriend.
  • ...Okay.
  • *CG*
  • Don't be a weirdo.
  • He is a pro.
  • But....
  • Obediently open your mouth.
    (my heart)
  • Thanks.
  • Not going to happen
  • You like me
  • There you go again/Right
  • I don't know
  • Jinpachi!
  • Take my handkerchief
  • That's right.
  • You won't leave yet, right?
  • *CG*
  • I won't eat any, then
  • I'll work hard
  • What do you think you are doing?
  • Can I keep loving you?
  • *CG*


    Sexy happy ending! ::fans self::
Review: His smirk is sooo amazing UGH. He comes across as such a meanie, but he is a softy yet serious kinda guy. It was obvious to me he developed feelings early for the MC, but she really took her time in admitting it herself once she realized he really wasn't that mean. It was the curvy blonde that kept coming over to Jinpachi's place that kept her discouraged too. I mean, sheesh, who wouldn't think he was dating her! But still, the MC is pretty clueless, like many other Voltage games. ::shakes her!::

Even though she feels that he always treats her as a kid, his romance is way steamier than I remember Omi's being! Pheeeew! ::fans::  But little to me and the MC at the time of said sexy kiss, our Creeper is watching and finds it sexy too. 

Keiichi (aka Byron) LOL omg I love him so silly! So cute and funny, If I don't see him in my stories I would have thrown a fit. He was even better in this one than ever before.

I'll DL the CG's tomorrow!

Scenery: Pretty standard Votlage stock backgrounds.

Suggestion: Worth it if you are in to more mature and grown up guys!!!

EITML Miyabi Sequel

Enchanted in the Moonlight
8 Episodes
2 Ending
3 CGs

Sexy Factor: Sweat!

Android/ Google Play $3.99

 Your power is gone! Plus you finally find out the shocking truth about Miyabi's Birth!

Miyabi ~ Sequel: 
I picked these based on my own.

  • What other reason could I give?
    (whoa.. did he just blush? cute!)
  • Mind if I join you?
  • Take Miyabi's hand.
  • Don't say such weird things.
  • We'll figure something out.
  • They're right.
  • *CG*
  • I could never love anyone else.
  • I missed you!
  • Go ahead!
  • *CG*
  • Same here.
  • I will save him.
  • As long as we are together
  • Hug him back.
  • Please.
  • *CG*

Review:  ** A lil spoilerish** It starts out as a quick recap and and Miyabi already talking about how soon you can get married!  Of course the only other thing on his mind OTHER than making you his bride, is ravaging you. Oh Miyabi, you and your one track mind! <3 Of course his ego is as big as ever. But so far it wouldn't be him without it.  I would call shenanigans if he was acting any other way.  Hibokei makes his return too! I am still torn, I love him, but want to beat him at the same time. Hummm lets see how he acts this time? On a trip back to the village you get attacked by the feels. Miyabi actually lets loose a few emotions that make me want to hug and cuddle him. u u :;sigh:: Sorry, I want to tell you more, but.... ::zips lips::

Due to some news on the trip and the onset of a horrible fever, a gloomy Miyabi suddenly feels even more protective of her, He even feeds her while you are sick and scolds the other guys for not letting her rest, even though they are being very respectful but just worried about them. <3

Half way through and let the sniffles begin! My arrogant egomaniac is broken! I'm not crying, yet, but my heart hurts. Okay, I am almost crying. WAH!  They make love for the last time. Not just a steaming, erotic all nighter rompy romp, but he's so sweet and tender with the MC I could die.

Oh Hibokei, you crazy Kappa! You have redeemed yourself and paid off all those honey dipped cucs! lets just hope your unlikely ally can get you back to the village in time. Not only do you find out that the frog pond in your yard is connected to the village, you find out that in the village Hibokei is actually quite attractive!

... ... ... !!!  More feels, omg. And who comes to your rescue?! I can't tell you except. ... ... ... !!!   I mean I really want to tell you but I don't dare! I just did a squeal flail kick thing. I think I get too invested in my Otomes!

Please Otome gods, give me a Happy Ending, the tears, the nail biting....

Scenery: Mostly the same as the other EITML stories, but a couple new rooms!

Suggestion: Yes yes yes yes!