Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Office Secrets: Walkthrough Toranosuke Wedding!

Office Secrets: Walk-through
Toranosuke Wedding!

Toranosuke Hajime

9 Chapters
2 Endings

Android/Google Play

  • *CG*
  • Control your emotion.
  • I'm of some use.
  • Rumors are horrible.
  • move away
  • Its a secret.
  • Check out the shop
  • Let's continue observing
    (I begrudgingly picked this thinking it would be better for business/work)
  • I wouldn't know.
  • Is he going to be alright?
  • Instinctively get excited.
  • Thanks for the invitation.
  • Yes, it is mine.
  • Answer truthfully.
  • Be angry.
  • (something said, not a choice, that made my eyes go all O.O )
  • Apologize again.
  • Unbutton his shirt.
  • Actually, yeah...
  • He really is amazing.

Review in progress! It starts out right away that you lost your ring! I don't know about you, but I don't think I would wait even a day after tearing my house apart looking for it. I would be on the phone a ball of blubbering tears telling my fiance!  I cry and freak out when I can't find my wallet or keys (which happens often) so, perhaps it is just me. But DUH, he'll find out sooner or later, why did my idiot MC not just come straight out? GRRR!

Anywhosits... a new project at work for him and the MC is too worried about rumors all of a sudden. So far I am not happy with how silly she is acting and want to fast forward through the game to get to the good stuff! Soon the MC and a co-worker have to go to the spot Tora just opened and pretend to be customers on a date. Some how I just know we will run into something  bad soon. AND BUSTED... ::dies:: :( My heart! It is breaking. Why did I buy this story! ::WAH!::

Well Tora, or Tora Tora Tora, you are a heart melter. Okay I feel better. And.. some JERK at work found your ring. I think he knows by things he said. but I don't trust him because I think he's after Tora's job. I could just be taking my bad real life day out on this sap in the story, but... we will see! As soon as you confess to him that the ring is yours, he asks you what would you do to get it back kinda thing. What a Creep! But even before I can finish with this creep... my heart starts breaking AGAIN for my little MC. UGH! This up and down ride is making me heartsick lol.

::zips lips:: but....

Summery: Worth it!

You will not get the wedding picture with the Regular Happy Ending, only the Super Happy Ending!

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