Sunday, June 22, 2014

Me and Me!

About me:

I am a college student and I just got married Valentines Day. I am so romantically dreamy brained. My guy got me by writing stories for me, romantic adventure stories, and he got me addicted to JRPS and shojo. He's evil, but I love it. He keeps feeding me my habit. I'm romantically addicted now LOL.

I am so new and yet so hooked to Otome games.  I follow a lot of walk-throughs, but wanted to give a go at them too, to see how mine may vary and add CG notes. Nothing has felt more awful than thinking I missed an awesome CG just because I followed a walk through and didn't see some of the sweetest scenes. I also wanted to add Good Endings as well.

My guy flavor also seems to run a bit differently then I see on many other blogs. I am such a sucker for the older male. Through in a goatee and I am butter, so much butter. ::drools!:: I really do not like the big eyes baby brother character, but they are so cute I can't help but play to see what is going on. They are too adorbs. But I just don't crush on them nearly as hard. I also don't get offended by the stuck up or egotistical males. I am happy to banter right along with them and have this "I'll show you, you jerk!" attitude, so I love playing through and beating them!

MCs that are strong are my favorite, when they are crybabies, sometimes I have problems, but I would still rather them cry then be the time that can't do anything at all and let their hero get hurt. Even if they have a sword or gun I'm like "Use it stupid!" and she never does. Those MCs bother me the most. I'm like, Hey! That is the man you love! Go save him! ::RAGE::

Walk Throughs, Reviews AFTER to avoid spoilers too much, and CGs.

I play at the moment on Android and buy through GooglePlay.

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